**Journal of Politics** We introduce the concept of monitoring costs to the study of international affairs: when the agenda of powerful states is crowded, other states can get away with behavior the powerful state would otherwise sanction. Our …
We use this the crisis set off by the arrival of asylum-seekers in Germany to test a theory of the use of propaganda as a strategy by a non-democratic state against a democratic state. We argue that a non-democracy on a collision course with a …
We use web-scraping and text-analysis techniques to identify cases in which the U.S. gov- ernment discussed democratization in other states, as well as considered or imposed foreign policy measures to affect liberalism abroad. We focus our search …
Quantifying Attention to Foreign Elections with Text Analysis of U.S. Congress and the Presidency: We use web scraping and text-analysis techniques to identify cases in which the U.S. gov- ernment discussed democratization in other states, as well as …
We use web-scraping and text-analysis techniques to identify cases in which the U.S. gov- ernment discussed democratization in other states, as well as considered or imposed foreign policy measures to affect liberalism abroad. We focus our search …