
The Importance of a Liberal Power’s Attention to Democratic Elections Around the World

**Journal of Politics** We introduce the concept of monitoring costs to the study of international affairs: when the agenda of powerful states is crowded, other states can get away with behavior the powerful state would otherwise sanction. Our …

Named-Entity Recognition with Application to Foreign Leader Mentions in Congressional Speeches

SASCAT: Natural Language Processing Approach to the Study of Economic Sanctions

**Accepted at Journal of Peace Reseach** Existing datasets of economic sanctions do not tend to take full advantage of government documents related to economic coercion. They may miss some economic sanctions, and do not capture some important details …

Binding Hands or Granting Discretion: Congress, the President, and the Design of Economic Sanctions

Enforcement through Coercion: American Economic Sanctions and International Human Rights Standards

Fifth Open Section Meeting of the DVWR IR Section - Quantifying Attention to Foreign Elections with Text Analysis of U.S. Congress and the Presidency

We use web-scraping and text-analysis techniques to identify cases in which the U.S. gov- ernment discussed democratization in other states, as well as considered or imposed foreign policy measures to affect liberalism abroad. We focus our search …

Sanction Workshop: Supranational Economic Statecraft: Sanction Success and Failure in a Comparative Perspective

Quantifying Attention to Foreign Elections with Text Analysis of U.S. Congress and the Presidency: We use web scraping and text-analysis techniques to identify cases in which the U.S. gov- ernment discussed democratization in other states, as well as …

IC2C2 International Conference on Computational Social Sciences - Quantifying Attention to Foreign Elections with Text Analysis of U.S. Congress and the Presidency

We use web-scraping and text-analysis techniques to identify cases in which the U.S. gov- ernment discussed democratization in other states, as well as considered or imposed foreign policy measures to affect liberalism abroad. We focus our search …

U.S. Statements and Actions on Sanctions, Computer-Assisted-Text Approach

Data Collection Project of US Sanctions using Text-Analysis and Machine Learning Techniques